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Selectmen's Minutes February 1, 2000
Minutes of Selectmen Meeting
February 1, 2000

Present: Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Stephanie McSweeney, Daniel Webster (8:00 p.m.) (Peter Jones absent)

7:36 p.m. Judith Murdoch called the meeting to order.  Indicated that Mr. Jones would not be present and Mr. Webster was running late.  

Class II License Renewals for Steve’s Auto Care & Used Car and Wheels N Deals.  

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approved Class II licenses for Steve’s Auto Care and Wheels N Deals.  Voted 3 - 0.

Reviewed Sunday and Holiday Package Store Openings - Mrs. Murdoch read the list issued by the ABCC.

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approve Sunday and Holiday Package store openings as authorized by the ABCC.  Voted 3 - 0.

Reviewed snow emergency request by Highway Surveyor - Ms. Kuchinski explained that this is done every year when the snow removal budget is depleted.

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approve snow emergency as  stated in Chapter 44, Sec. 31D of Mass. General Laws.  Voted 3 - 0.

Request from Whitman VFW to conduct a Poppy Drive in Hanson from May 3 - May 6, 2000.  Voted 3 - 0.

Announcement - Cathy Kuchinski announced that the Rotary will be sponsoring a Sadie Hawkins dance at Camp Kiwanee on Saturday, February 26, 2000 tickets available at Ace Hardware, Wilcox Aluminum and Rotary members.

MMA Annual Meeting Stephanie McSweeney and Cathy Kuchinski discussed the MMA meeting they attended over the weekend.  Found the meeting and workshops extremely informative.

Mrs. Murdoch announced that Board of Health office staff is on vacation.  The office is still open, however the health agent is not in the office the entire day, please utilize the voicemail system.

8:00 p.m. Dan Webster arrived.

Treasurer/Collector Carole McCormack was present to request 8 additional staffing hours per week from February 10th through May 4th.  She explained that the office will be sending out 8000 excise tax bills and the second half real estate property tax bills.  If she does not get the additional hours, posting will become back logged.  Lenghty discussion ensued.  Mr. Webster feels that Mrs. McCormack agreed to cutting back her work force last year and that she should try to work through an entire cycle without increasing hours.  In the fall she was granted extra hours.  He would like to see if the office can maintain itself with the current staffing.  A suggestion was made that a STRP person assist in the office.  Mrs. McCormack indicated that she utilizes the program, but they cannot be used to open the mail because money is involved.  Cathy Kuchinski inquired if Mrs. McCormack had any alternative plans if she didn’t get the funding.  Mrs. McCormack indicated that she would come in on weekends if necessary.  Cathy Kuchinski suggested a compromise and giving a few extra hours toward the end of the cycle.  Mr. Webster feels that we didn’t give the staff enough time to work with the current hours.  Mrs. Murdoch indicated that she doesn’t want to put any office in jeopardy and suggested revisiting the matter at a later date.

Town Accountant Barbara Gomez forwarded a request for three additional hours each on Monday, March 20, and Monday March 27 to process the payroll while she is on vacation.  She pointed out in her memo that she had budgeted for the time when the FY2000 budgets were submitted.  Cathy Kuchinski indicated that she wasn’t comfortable approving this request when no action was taken on the previous request.  Mr. Webster pointed out that this is a different situation.  Mrs. Gomez budgeted for the request and it is a very small amount.  Cathy Kuchinski suggested tranferring days to have Monday covered.  Concensus was to table the matter until Mrs. Gomez could come in and address the issue.

David Hanlon request for additional sick time was reviewed.  In a letter to the Board he indicated that his sick time would run out on February 15th.  A letter from the Highway Surveyor was also received supporting the request.  Mr. Hanlon requested an additional 45 days as provided by the union contract.  Mrs. Murdoch points out that this type of request does not happen very often.  Cathy Kuchinski requested clarification about the sick time pay back such as one-half a day per month until 45 days are repaid.  Tabled matter until 2/15 to review the contract.  

Chief Huska - was present to discuss the strong chief law.  Mr. Webster explained the difference between a strong and weak chief.  The Strong Chief oversees the hiring, firing and disciplane of the fire fighters.  The weak chief could be released at the Board of Selectmen’s pleasure.   Chief Huska pointed out that a Strong Chief would be dismissed but would have to have a hearing.  Mr. Webster pointed out that a Weak Chief would also be afforded a hearing prior to dismissal.  Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the merits of a Strong or Weak Chief.  Cathy Kuchinski indicated that the Board would take the Chief recommendation regarding personnel prior to hiring.  The Board of Selectmen will oversee the operations of the Fire Department but does not want to interfer with the day to day operations of the department.  Mrs. Murdoch feels that a Weak Chief will force communications between the Fire Dept. and the Board.  Any change in the Strong Chief status must be voted at Town Meeting.  Fire Fighter Jim Pearson pointed out that the Union Contract recognizes a Strong Chief and that could affect the contact.  Mr. Webster indicated he would check with Town Counsel regarding the situation.  Mrs. Murdoch pointed out the Mr. Pearson that the Union has been having problems with a Strong Chief and lack of communications between them.  

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Stephanie McSweeney to seek revocation of the Strong Chief Law at Town Meeting and submit a motion for a Weak Chief with a contact.  Voted 4 - 0.

Salary Range for Chief  - The Fire Chief Search Committee did a salary survey of area fire chiefs.  Mrs. Murdoch indicated that the Search Committee is looking for a range so that candidates will know what the position will be paying.  The base pay of a fire fighter is $38,000.00.  Suggested range was $55,000 - $65,000.  Discussion ensued and Mr. Pearson pointed out that the Deputy Fire Chief will be paid $55,000.00 when he is hired.  The Board pointed out that there is no Deputy and that the issue will be addressed when the time comes.  Mr. Ellis questioned why the range would not be closer to the Police Chief.  Cathy Kuchinski pointed out that the Board is trying to keep the salaries down.  The only way to do so is when there are new hires.  If the Town hires these individual at the top of the range it will become a financial burden on the Town.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to set the Fire Chief salary range at $55,000 - $65,000.00.  Voted 4 - 0.

Evaluations - All the evaluations would be completed by February 8, 2000 and will be discuss on 2/15.  Mr. Webster explained that only the part one of the tool needs to be completed and the Goals and Objectives will be addressed in October when the cycle starts again.  

Approve Minutes - Reviewed previous meeting minutes.  Cathy Kuchinski asked to hold minutes from July 13, 1999 through Augsut 31, 1999.  Also held minutes of October 12, 1999.  

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Judy Murdoch to approve the regular meeting minutes of 9/7/99, 9/15/99, 9/21/99, 10/4/99, 10/26/99, 11/2/99, 11/16/99, 11/30/99 and Executive Session Minutes of 9/7/99, 10/12/99, 10/26/99, 11/2/99 and 11/16/99.  Voted 4 - 0.

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeny, second by Judy Murdoch to adjourn.  Voted 4 - 0.

        Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.